Mac X-code 實驗室-4"~12" 製程工程師
Mac X-code 實驗室~有天蠍內在的天秤座馬爾濟斯

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其實, hbt 製程 根本 不 是 art. 它的maskset 才幾道, 只要 hbt substrate 對了, 該電鍍的, 該蒸鍍的, backside holder 當然 用 sapphire 的.

 backside aligner,  demount 有點 critical, backside via etch 用 icp , 我 用 rie 作 , 非常 吃力, 還是 icp or high density plasma , with good plating.


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如果 台塑 有 follow the rules, 就像 我們 外商 的 supplier quality engineer ㄧ樣 “真的 執行 " audit. 


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Good to hear F. Plastic Shut Down from June 1st. 

As a Supplier Quality Engineer in SWKS, I have very good chance to work with giant company quality supplier team. 

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有關 鳥 專家列出了10種 男人 追不到 就想 抹黑 的 女人~白玫瑰vs 飯粒白  紅玫瑰vs蚊子血 - 我曾拒絕追求者, 而 輪胎 被刺 破 



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Saving One starbucks coffee per day makes you rich over ?? yrs. Remember, it is topic of business week, taiwan. 

But without a cup of starbucks coffee makes your lift miserable and with plastic inside your kidney  or body if you drink something with plastic instead of starbucks coffee. 

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7am ~ to office and check email 

8am ~ call Boston customers to see any data needs

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tel 東京威力- elegant, low noise, transfer is so accurate ( 不會頂到 wafer top) , perfert finish

amat 美商應材- sales are cute, fency design, flexible platform, 八爪章魚 情趣椅 


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chinese,  i have heard before, 4-leg-animals are allowed to eat except " table". but here come  evoluation, shoes can be eat with drinks and even jam." low birth rate" and "  highest kidney washout rate in the world" are found out the root causes at the same time. oh my god. all my many gods. 

i was heard " 遠哲(Yuan-Tseh Lee,1936年11月19日-)was the nobel prize winner. before kissing the ass of the president, he was smart. can he come out to tell people in taiwan “ plastic shoes are not eatable" ? 

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When I was a Process Engineer in Torrance, LA. That was a wonderful experince. breeze, beach, fency car..... the fab with water on the floor, and sem from umc fab 1. 

Due to my extremly low GPA, even my GRE 1,810, TOFEL around 600, GMAT is very low and TOEIC 990, I still decided NOT to go abroad study due to high tuition but infamous school with apply as low gpa. However, my family can afforad me to go Standford, but Standford didn't want GPA with such low-level. 詭異的是, 那幾個 GPA 超高 的 同學 是 馬國 僑生, 根本 不會 聽 華語. 所以 中興 機械 的 教授 多不關心 學生 的 課業 , 簡主任 當年 在 北工 還是 我媽 的學生. 他念 熱力的 發音 ~老娘 都 不太聽的懂 我被當. 我在 外文系 修課 還 全班 最高分.  北工 到 美國 就可直 攻 碩士 , 我爸 北工土木畢 到日本 東北大學 是 必須 從 大學 開始 念, 留日 與 留美 程度 差很多. 我爸英文 是 可以翻譯 英文 原文書 的. 我討厭 中興 機械 這個 鳥系, 直到 有個 stanford 的 博士 教自控 , 我上課 才聽 懂 他講 的英文 專業名詞. 當然 教 機動 的 教computer science, 圖學 的 很棒. 流力 動力 靜力 材力 工數 我都自己 看, 教metal material , is also fun, since he used chinese textbook. the root cause is i can not understand the terminology pronounce by the professors. that's not the way i heard before. i studied english from the 3rd grade of elementary school, and also, again, 北ㄧ女 的 在三流 國立大學 拿三分之二 都是 六十分. ~ 白癡 也知道 ~問題 出在 教授 身上 . even the idiot know, the problem is from the professor not from students. i studied so hard in my u. total 148 credits. now, i got the return. 

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春秋八大家 miss one guy, his name is “凱" , with worship " 子“. he was no happy because he lacks promotion activity and students during the election. so, he started to have students, his famous students are " 烏“ 與 “龜“.   烏 can 叫 but 不能 看 and can fly although he is a bird, 龜 can see, but can't 叫 and 行走緩慢 , although has fours lags. 

3-com 三國時代, is  雖 小國崢嶸 but 太平.

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1) 魏 ~ 謀 - tsmc   2)蜀 ~ 星辰 - umc  3)吳 ~ 介 - mediatek   4)崇明島 ~偉 - morning star 5) 北方外患 ~ samsung

6) 小喬 ~ google 7) 大喬 ~ apple    8)西邊外患~world foundry   9) 南邊外患~chartersemi

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There are several kinds of fab in Taiwan Semiconductor Era

1. 貴族 軍隊型 - tsmc ~ foundry


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富二代 與 富三代 ~就是 看 報表 only. Who will tell the truth to Pricess and Prince? arround them, only 太監 宮女 與 老臣 , but 孤臣無力可回天 , 也許 少康中興. 

most of them can even speak a good english, although they studied in USC. 

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As Today's newspaper, 又是 科技新貴 轉占賣小吃, 賺得人生. However, I think it is bullshit. Have you ever sell the " small dish" at night market? 

It is very busy job compare to engineers or sales for semiconductor. But no pressure, since you don't use much of brain. 我可是 有賣過 香雞排 的實務經驗. 

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原來 semiconductor equipment 是最大的精品業 ~ i love Hermes.

我發現我的最愛不是珠寶( 家族裡開銀樓, 怎會喜歡珠寶), 不是 車子 ( 家裡 雙b 是基本配備), 不是 房子與土地, 最愛的是 tel 的track, nikon 的microscope, track 約 兩千萬, microscope 約四百萬~ 那真是人類智慧的結晶. ASML 的scanner 也不錯, ㄧ億多台幣. 所以 半導體設備才是真正的精品.   channel 台灣所有的店 ㄧ個月營業額 才 ㄧ億. tsmc ㄧ個廠 ㄧ天就ㄧ億. 所以 精品業 零售的利潤其實還好, 最賺的還是 設計與製造, 但 零售的門檻低. so, 半導體設備商最賺,ic design 其次. 在來 是 tsmc  

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Different materials and sizes make wafers so different. Also, different thickness. It all comes from  stress problem. How NOT to break a wafer during over hundred or thousand process steps? themal effect is big issue. Wafer could be not flat and bending. Surface condition with further treatment also make the wafer different. 

How many wafer you break durning process? 

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1.醫病關係 2. 醫學常識  3.冷靜處理  4.信任與不信任醫師  5.檢查結果之圖表判讀~皆是環環相扣

畢竟醫師也是人 且常常是 大學畢業生 , 美國要大學畢 才能念 medical school ~ 不過 大部份 的 二三 榜首 還是會挑 台大醫科, 所以 never worry about 台灣醫生的醫術, 而醫德其實也是 全世界屬ㄧ屬二, 最ciritcal 是 醫病關係 反而是 關鍵. 

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Cleanroom is NOT CLEAN.

When i first visited China factory (fab, testing,PCB, SMT, and Cell Phone Assembly) as supplier quality engineer in 2006, a lot of things surprises me. 

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我們在 桃園長庚中醫病房 復健科病房  護理之家 輪流 住 ~以度過 腦動脈瘤 破裂 導至 蜘蛛網膜下腔 出血 婆婆的第ㄧ年 


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All they have to do is to follow TS16949 to check the suppliers and shipping procedure. The tragic could be avoided.  

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