dear baby, 2009 年, 我竟無聊到吃了三個月的fm2 和 癲癇藥, oh my god.
Y2007 and Y2009, I felt nothing interesting me anymore. I can do every project on time and successfully. However, my heart or life is still missing a piece.
dear baby, 2009 年, 我竟無聊到吃了三個月的fm2 和 癲癇藥, oh my god.
Y2007 and Y2009, I felt nothing interesting me anymore. I can do every project on time and successfully. However, my heart or life is still missing a piece.
From Encyclopedia of Human Disease Diagram by Mitsuo Hattori and Okajima , at Page 162,
胃的構造和功能 ~ 胃液是無色透明, 帶有些微黏性的酸性液體, 胃液的成份幾乎都是水, ㄧ天的分泌量約為 1.5 liter. 如果我們馬上喝下 500c 的熱湯, is good or bad? 是否 香港人的養生之道 是 空腹時 喝熱湯是可用實驗證明其有效性. ㄧ碗 500cc 的熱湯, 可馬上 dilute 胃酸嗎?是否可增加 維生素的吸收? 中藥的 藥湯 是比 藥粉有效的.
經痛 醫師開的藥 ~ i just google it, and found it is very interesting. Look likes, it helps me to relief from every kind of pain.
Cytotec is for 治療胃及十二指腸潰瘍,促進子宮收縮
so surprised. ㄧ種藥可同時治胃 十二指腸潰瘍 與 引產. 我認為 應該是 "胃與子宮都是 袋狀中空" pls see 人體疾病圖解大百科 ~服部光男 , 剛島重孝 總監修 page.164
First, thanks 清華 葉均蔚 教授 's 完美講義.
Solid Solutions-Solvent - 1) Substitutional Solid Solutions 2) Interstitial Solid Solution
at page 14, How the medicine works?
1. To the celluar - 細胞膜有載體 (carrier) , all chemical can use carrier to go inside the celluar.
Just remebered, when i was processing 5" Si wafer on 1996, we were using Al-1%Si-0.5%Cu. But on the street of wafer, sometimes, there were Si residue. When we cut the crosssection on street ( before Metal etch), Al-Si-Cu/Si wafer, comparing 1% Si and 100% Si, 99% Al and 0 % Al, 0.5% Cu and 0% Cu, here comes "diffusion" for Al, Cu and Cu at high temperature. When we use chemical metal etch, the etch solution can not etch away Si, then, Si residues remains on the wafer. Those are very interesting things happen on the wafer.
However, when we think about our blood, our blood also have several doping materials, we can not just easily treat our blood as " Pass"or " Scrap". If our blood has residue, what can we do? flush away? use chemical to clean? or just leave or ignore these residues there. At least, we need a "clean blood" in our body.
At page 20, 2/3 of human body is Water. 1/3 of those water is called " Extracellular Fluids", and 2/3 of those water is called " Intracellular Fluids". That's inside or outside of cellular.
Extracellular fluids has Na+ and K+....etc. For example, Na+ is 0.85%, our kidney will adjust Na+ within +-0.05. Just likes semiductor fab, what we are doing is making our solutions and solvent within a very tiny range at the temperature. For example, 6:1 BOE at 22+-0.5C, the etch rate(for Thermal Oxide) will keep at 1200A+-100A/min. ( Hope my memory is correct).
When I was Etch process engineer in Holtek fab ( merged by UMC), what we did to clean equipments were " flush" and " purge". For chemical stations ( H2SO4+H2O2, Hot H3PO4, BOE.....etc), using D.I. water to do QDR( Quick Dump Rinse) and clean pipelines or tubes. A lot of water is must. After PM (Preventive Maintainese), we measured water resistivity. Higher is better. When pass the spec ( specification), the chemical station will key to " Operation".
So, how we treat our body, do we drink a lot of water to clean our boby? it is a very interesting question.
水是個奇妙的東西, 在不同氣壓 , 不同溫度之下, 會有氣相(gas) 液相 (liquid) 固相 (solid) , 且有 doping 的情形下, 其 固到液的溶點會不同, 如食鹽水的溶點會與純水不同. 在 液面壓力不同的情形下, f.p. and b.p. are different. For example, 在1 atm時,水的凝固點(f.p.)為0C,沸點(b.p.)為100℃。But, pressure wok, the pressure will higher than 1 atm, the f.p. is higher. And, 水在4℃(精確值為3.98℃)時的體積最小、密度最大,D = 1g/mL