At page 20, 2/3 of human body is Water. 1/3 of those water is called " Extracellular Fluids", and 2/3 of those water is called " Intracellular Fluids". That's inside or outside of cellular.
Extracellular fluids has Na+ and K+....etc. For example, Na+ is 0.85%, our kidney will adjust Na+ within +-0.05. Just likes semiductor fab, what we are doing is making our solutions and solvent within a very tiny range at the temperature. For example, 6:1 BOE at 22+-0.5C, the etch rate(for Thermal Oxide) will keep at 1200A+-100A/min. ( Hope my memory is correct).
Again, in semiconductor fab, we do have filter in each chemical station. The filters have different sizes of holes. Those filters need to changed or cleaned for Day PM ( Preventive Maintainese), otherwise, our wafers will have a lot particles.
Also, the kidney has to adjust the PH value. If too acid or too basic, the 酵素 can not work properly. Hence, we need to thanks our kidney to let us to have healthy and happy life.