Background(師出必須有名, 還不是 某個aa客戶 沒事來 audit fab 發現 esd ㄧ大堆違反的)
Scope To improve(這個字很好, compare to correction, 點出, 又不強烈) ESD practices in FAB-ABC. This audit was to verify compliance to ANSI/ESD-S20.20-1999 standard.(開宗明義第一章)
(Very important to 清楚交代, 測試儀器, 廠商, model, calibration date , 這也是 台灣工程師 欠缺 的 logic 能力.
Item |
Manufacturer |
Model |
Calibration Date |
Megaohmeter |
3x |
701 |
Oct 31, 20XX |
Field meter |
PFM-711A |
Jan 10, 20XX |
Multimeter |
Flxke |
PFM-711A |
May 2, 20XX |
Charge Plate |
Moxxoe Exxxt. |
IPA287 |
May 2, 20XX |
Audited Areas:
Final Process Area – ABC
- ESD signage: At the entrance lack of ESD sign. 清楚交代 違反哪ㄧ項rule, 台灣的廠商 連ㄧ份正式的 ansi/esd 的 規範.2都捨不得買 (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Protected Areas Requirements)
- Workstations: 2 workstations are not grounded, lack of hard ground.(要清楚 hard ground 的定義) (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.1 Protected Areas, S6.1-1999 Grounding)
- Shelves: The shelves are not interconnected between their panels. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding)
- Chairs: Some of the chairs don’t have a path to ground. Some of them have dust on the casters.(see, 無塵室, 有灰塵是 會有esd issue) (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Table 1-Protected Area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1)
- Wafer Slider: Not ESD safe, this kind of material generates more than 10 KV (see, 有憑有據 有數據) (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Protected Areas Guidance)
Final Process Area – CDE
Final Process Area – CDE
- Workstations: Not grounded, lack of hard ground. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.3 Protected Areas, S6.1-1999 Grounding)
- Computer at workstation EG2001, near to wafers; computers are generators of electrostatic voltage and EMI signals. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Protected Areas Guidance) 電腦 也是 esd 的 source 之一, 尤其 是 爛牌子 的 lcd monitor.
- Manual Probe Station: No wrist strap use by operators, no tester, log book, or continuous monitor. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S1.1) 還不是 那幾樣, 真不知 那家 的 quality 的人 有沒有 用腦子.
Final Process Area – EFG
- Workstations: 2 Workstations not grounded, hard ground. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.3 Protected Areas, S6.1-1999 Grounding)
- Debond Station: Usage of wrist strap must be implemented, seated inspection. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S1.1) again, 到底 有沒有 搞懂 啥是 esd.
- Floor mat(地板能不能導掉靜電, 很重要): Not static dissipative or conductive properties. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Table 1-Protected Area 6.2.3, ANSI ESD S7.1)
- Acrylic Cabinet(這種finding, fab到處都是, 都是 vendors 的錯): This kind of material generates more than 10KV. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Protected Areas Guidance)
Final Process Area – GHI
- Thickness measurement workstation: Usage of wrist strap must be implemented, seated inspection. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S1.1)
- Rack Cart: Carts without ground chain and not interconnected between their shelves. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding)
- Wafers Rack: No interconnection between their shelves. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding)
- Ionizing Gun: No maintenance program, No specs for balance and decay time is too loose (15-20 sec). (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Table 1-Protected Area 6.2.3, ANSI EOS/ESD S3.1) see, decay time 也要 搞清楚
- Shelves: Four shelves Lack of hard ground and not interconnected. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding)
- Ionizer in the wafer tape mount is not in maintenance program. Was not neutralizing charges.(好糗的finding) (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Table 1-Protected Area 6.2.3, ANSI EOS/ESD S3.1)
- Blue arm support is not ESD safe, generates more than 1000 V, these were removed from the area same day. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance 1000 v 也, 果然, esd 很好逮
- Chair at probe station 2 is not grounded because of dust on the casters. ANSI/ESD S20.20 – Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1
- Work surface spots not covered with dissipative mat.(ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- Work surfaces not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding)
- Heel straps were not used during the audit, ESDS devices are handled.(ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S9.1)
Reliability Lab
- Acrylic Cabinet (acrylic , 應該全廠被替換掉)for wafer storage is not ESD safe, generates more than 10KV. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance
Reliability Burning Lab
- No findings (如有 finding, reliability engineer 可以 抓去關了, 那之前, 作的 relaiblity test 都不準確了)
Device Reliability
- No findings ( the same as reliabilty burning)
Product Reliability Lab
- The wrist strap need to be periodically checked,wrist strap tester and log book or continuous monitor. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S1.1)
- Work surfaces not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding)
- The chairs are not ESD safe compliance. ANSI/ESD S20.20 – Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1
- Chairs: 2 chairs are not grounded because of dust on the casters無塵室, 有很多灰塵, 真尷尬)(ANSI/ESD S20.20 – Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1)
- Dry Cabinet is not ESD compliance, generates more than 2KV. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance
- Microscope is not grounded, metal parts. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 AC Powered Tools, ESD DS 13.1)
Shipping (customer 最喜歡 聽到 shipping)
- Work surface is not dissipative where clamp shell (wafer containers) are handled. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
Final Test (自己作 final test 的 engineer 竟不知, 那以前, 都在混)
- Personnel grounding: use of only one heel strap. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S1.1)
- Racks: 3 shelves are not grounded, lack of hard ground. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding)
- Computer station: Lack of dissipative surface and material was handled. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- Chairs: ESD safe but not grounded because of the dust. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1)
- Racks: No interconnection between their shelves. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding)
- Mixed ESD chairs compliance and non ESD. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
Wafer Fab
- No heel strap tester, or log book. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S9.1)
- Wafer Transfer tool: Not ESD safe compliance, generates more than 17KV. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance 17kv , 不是 都 打穿 到月球了
- HCL Bath: Acrylic cover generates 4KV. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance 4kv 也
- Wafer aligner: Not ESD safe compliance generates 4KV. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance
- Carts: Not grounded, lack of grounding chain. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
- Microscopes:Not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 AC Powered Tools, ESD DS 13.1)
- Tables not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
- Rack: Not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
Photo 3
- Cart: Not grounded, lack of grounding chain. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
TWV Photo
- Teflon cassettes are not ESD safe compliance, out of measurement range. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance teflon 比較 麻煩, 且 還測不出value
- Workstations: lack of hard ground. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
- Microscope Nikon10 is not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 AC Powered Tools, ESD DS 13.1)
- Wafer Aligner generates more than 700V. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance
- Reticule holder generates more than 400V. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance
- Blue Plastic wafer container generates 400V. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance
Photo 1
- Mobil Rack not grounded lack of grounding chain. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
- Reticule holder generates more than 400V. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance
- N_M6IE01 Wafer transfer magazine to magazine generates 600V. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance
- NZEIS02 Microscope acrylic cover generates more than 1000 V (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance Wafer handler is not grounded (ANSI/ESD S20.20 AC Powered Tools, ESD DS 13.1).
ETCH Metal 2
- Blue Arm Support not ESD safe compliance generates more than 1000V. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance
- N_LxM01 Acrylic cover generates more than 1200V. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance process engineer, you are dead.
- NRTP03, Acrylic doors generates 20 KV. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance oh my god.
- Transfer tool is over range the voltage measurement. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance
- Zephyr wafer transfer from magazine to magazine generates 2KV. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance oh my god, again.
Prototype Lab
- No heel straps are used. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S1.1)
- No wrist strap is used. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S1.1)
- Personnel inside protected area are not wearing ESD protective smock. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 – Table 1, ESD STM 2.1)
Design 08
- A table has not dissipative surface. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- Two tables has dissipative surface but are not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
- Chair is not ESD safe (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1).
- Table (Terra Universal), surface is dissipative but not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
- Chair is ESD safe but not grounded, dust on the casters. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1)
- Table ESD safe but not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
ROW b, No findings
- Two tables are not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
- One Chair is not ESD safe. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1).
- Two tables are not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
- Table is not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
- Agilent tester has no dissipative mat where material is handled. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
ROW f, No findings
- Table is not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
- Table has dissipative mat but it is not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
ROW i, j, k and l
- Same issue tables are not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
Design Lab
- Microscope table not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 AC Powered Tools, ESD DS 13.1)
- No ESD safe chairs compliance. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1)
- Tables not grounded lack of hard ground. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Grounding/Bonding Systems, S6.1-1999 Grounding).
- ESD Chairs compliance mixed with non ESD. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1)
- Hot plates not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 AC Powered Tools, ESD DS 13.1)
Device Characterization Lab (device lab 也, are you sure that so many findings?)
- Work surface, 2 not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- ESD safe chairs compliance mixed with non ESD. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1)
- Manual Probe station, work surface is not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- HP Tester has not ESD safe working surface, wafers are handled there.Needs to have a dissipative surface.(ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- ESD safe chairs compliance not grounded lack of grounding chain. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1)
Yield Lab (怪了, no wonder yield 有時 會 跳空跌停)
- Work surface not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- ESD safe chairs compliance not grounded lack of grounding chain. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1)
- Prober is not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 AC Powered Tools, ESD DS 13.1) (個人覺得, probe 沒ground, this finding 最糟)
- Wafers magazines are open on non ESD surface, needs to have a dissipative and grounded mat. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- Rack test systems “Angeline St” and “Prairie Ct” does not have dissipative surface to allow handle of the parts. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
Test Engineering Lab
- Work surface, 3 not grounded. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- Chairs are not ESD safe compliance. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1)
- No heel straps are used. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S1.1)
- No wrist strap is used. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S1.1)
Customer Lab (客戶駐廠的lab, see, 有奶便是娘, 有訂單 就是 你衣食父母)
- Work surface, 2 not dissipative. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- Chair not ESD safe. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1)
- Computer at workstation near to wafers; computers are generators of electrostatic voltage and EMI signals. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Protected Areas Guidance)
Shipping Samples to Customers (again, 客戶是 我們 的 衣食父母)
- Flooring system is not working. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.3 Protected Areas, ANSI ESD S7.1)
- Work surface not dissipative. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- Chairs not ESD safe. (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Table 1-Protected area 6.2.3, ESD STM 12.1)
- Microscope surface not dissipative. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- Microscope stage is not dissipative. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-Protected Area guidance, ESD S4.1, ESD STM 4.2).
- No heel straps are used. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S1.1)
- No wrist strap is used. (ANSI/ESD S20.20-6.2.2 Personnel Grounding, ESD S1.1)
- Printer is closed to the devices. (ANSI/ESD S20.20- Protected Areas Guidance)
- Lack of organized ESD control program, maybe because there is no a dedicated person who audits for compliance.
During the audit we found a lot of deviations from ESD control practices that included grounding of tables, personnel, shelves, equipment, we also found ionizers performing out of specifications, use of insulators to transport wafers, insulators close to finished product, acrylic cabinets (insulators), ESD safe chairs failing resistance to ground due to dust on the casters. Personnel not using heel straps, ESD control garment when handling ESDS devices.(全世界的fab 作 esd audit 的 findings 都大同小異, 但人家 就是 可以 很有 logic 的 將 findings 列出, 又不傷 被audit 的 自尊心)
Recommendation:(很涵旭 的 用法, 不知 旭 是哪個旭, 當然就用 言承旭 的 旭)
- There are a lot of good things like ESD safe tables, chairs, dissipative mats, but there is not an ESD control program to keep these items in good shape, there are mixed ESD safe and non ESD safe tables and chairs.(因為怕被audit 的人 反彈太大, 第ㄧ件事 就是 說好話)
- There is no control for nonessential insulators such as those made of plastics and paper; these must be removed from the workstation. Ionization can be used at workstations to neutralize electrostatic fields on all process essential insulators.
- Personal grounding. All personal shall be electrically connected to ground when handling ESD sensitive devices, use of two heel straps should be enforced when working with ESD sensitive device and use of wrist strap when seated at ESD protective workstation.
- Ionizers and air gun ionizers should be in a maintenance program to keep them working into specifications, decay time and balance should be checked every three months and a sticker should indicate date when need to check again.
- Caution signs should be clearly visible to personnel prior to entry to protected area (a protected area may be a single workstation, laboratory, room, building and any other area with pre-designated boundaries that contain materials and equipment designed to limit electrostatic potentials.
- Training program should be established to all personal regardless of status as engineer or technician; it should be for everybody who handles ESD sensitive devices and personnel who need to entry to a protected area.
- A dedicated engineer is needed to keep in good shape this control program.
- Management support is essential to success, without it all efforts will be wasted time.(see, 主管的重要性)
Thanks for letting us review(review 這件事很重要) your facilities without restrictions,(說好話, 作好事) we are very glad to help you assess you ESD control program but audit to find deviations (含蓄用法)is just the beginning; next steps are on your side(that's mean, 我都audit, 也寫fundings 了, 其餘, 若customer complaint, 就自己搞定了). Please feel free to contact us if you have any question or need additional help and you are also invited to benchmark our facility whenever you want.(沒事不要call, 有公司付的聚餐, 不要忘了我)