
Dear baby, sweet child o' mine, 在fab, 所有工程師中最涼 的 就是 環安衛工程師, 當然, 不要被別部門知道, 到時遇缺不補, 再涼的工作, 若人力少, 還是很操.

first, 先to understand key words.

EHS management system

環安衛  管理系統



 環境 管理系統 (只有環境)


OHSAS 18001

 職業安全衛生管理系統(這就 管 很多了)


Environmental aspects

環境 考量面


Environmental impact

環境 衝擊


Significant environmental aspects

重大環境 考量面


Non acceptance risk

 不可忍受風險(當然只很大條, 如大地震, 不然是公司掛了, 大股東跑了)


ERTEmergency Response Team

緊急應變小組 (要決定誰背氧氣鋼瓶去收善後, 還有人要點名)


SCBASelf Contained Breathing Apparatus

自給式空氣呼吸器(fab很多毒氣, 這個很重要)


PPEPersonal Protective Equipment

個人防護具(防酸手套, 圍裙)


Eye washer/body shower

 緊急淋浴洗眼器 (很重要)



one audit report for Health and Safety for your ref. 


基本狀況General Site Conditions


1) Seismic (地震)secure all equipment using flammable gases and flammable/combustible liquids.  This includes solvent storage cabinets.


     用seismic 對有 可燃性 氣體 與 可燃性/易爆性 液體. 且有 有機溶劑的 storage cabinets( google it by yourself)


2) Perform face velocity & vapor capture to evaluate effectiveness of capture exhaust.

  (very critical)


     確認 exhaust 的效能是否可行, 就是 抽氣夠不夠力? 有些fab 的抽氣櫃根本沒maintain, 抽氣力太小, 有跟沒有ㄧ樣, 如果廠務端的抽氣故障, 抽氣櫃, 如何得知?


 3) Install seismic switch to gas detection PLC to shutdown all flammable & toxic gases upon activation.


      用加ㄧ地震"switch" gas detection plc 去shutdown 這些可燃與毒性氣體, 如有地震, 則切至自動shut down.


有害物質管理 Hazardous Materials Management


1) Mechanical fittings (valves, fittings) on toxic/corrosive gases such as BCL3 and CL2 should be contained within an exhausted enclosure equipped with gas detection.


要裝 氣體偵測器, 在有機械fittings and 閥 for 有毒或腐蝕性的氣體, 如 bcl3 和 cl2


2) Chillers in Mechanical Room use Freon 134a (a simple asphyxiant).  Provide Freon detection in immediate area of chillers.  Activation of detector would active exhaust fans and alarms to warn occupants to leave area.


維修間, 用chiller 使用 freon, 須加裝 毒氣偵測儀. 且 毒氣偵測儀會 啓動 exhaust fans, 當然, alarm 要讓所有人員離開此區域.


3) Gasoline powered generator located indoors.  Carbon Monoxide (CO) air monitoring may be needed.  Activation of CO sensor would activate exhaust fan and alarm to warn occupants not to enter room.


竟把gasoline 發電機 放在室內,須偵測 co, 毒氣偵測儀的function 如(2)


4) Provide silane (hydride gas detection) in Novellus gas jungles (3 locations) to shutdown source SiH4 cylinder and send signal to constantly attended control center.


在 novellus 的 gas jungles sih4 (三處)旁加裝氣體偵測儀, ㄧ有狀況, 就馬上將鋼瓶關上, 且 send a signal 到 中控室.


5) Improve secondary containment and provided exhausted enclosures for pressurized canisters providing solvents (HMDS, acetone, IPA) and corrosive (base) to the Photo and Solvent lift off tracks.  Pressurized solvent delivery tubing from canister to track should be braided stainless, hard plumbed, or contained in a steel conduit.


改善2nd contaimment, solvents( hmds, acetone, ipa) and 腐蝕性(base) 等 加壓鋼瓶須放在抽氣環境 for photo 和 solvent lift off tracks. 加壓的solvent 傳輸到 track 時必須 braided stainless, hard plumbed, 或 contain 在 steel conduit. 


Personal Protective Equipment / Emergency Response / Medical


1) Back-up battery powered light.  Perform monthly test on all back-up lights and document.


   備用電池for powered 燈. monthly check, 且 record.


2) Gas detection systems sends alarms signals to Security, however, source gas is not automatically shutdown.  Have PLC automatically shutdown gas cylinder upon gas detection.


ㄧ有gas alarm, source gas 要必須 自動 shutdown.



Fire Prevention/Protection


1) Update Hot Work Permit to include requirement for fire watch to inspect area 30-minutes after hot work has been completed.  


update 動火的工作許可, 且執行完動火工作后 30 min, 必須針對火災check



2) Many high hazard/high value areas should be protected by automatic fire sprinklers; mechanical room (chillers, DI water, Process Vac, Equip Cooling Water, CDA, gasoline emergency generator room), chemical & waste storage areas outside of cleanroom (Ship/Rec chemical storage area, solvent waste collection area, waste polyimide area.), backside “old” cleanroom areas, and stockroom (high combustible loading in room).

Fire extinguisher distribution is awkward.  Fire extinguishers should be placed close to exits so responder always has back to door in case fire gets out of control.  


高有害物質 or 高價值 區域 should be automatic fire sprinkler, 維修間(chileers, di water, process vac(真空pump), 設備冷卻水, cda, 汽油緊急發電機), cleanroom 外的 化學品 與 廢液 區(ship/rec 化學品儲藏區, 有機廢液收集區, 廢棄polimide 區域)



Ceiling fire sprinkler located is too close to wall. 天花板的 fire sprinkler 太靠牆壁.


Install fire suppression (gaseous or similar) on solvent processing tools (有機溶劑製程的設備). Waste solvent collection sumps (廢棄有機溶劑在櫃子裡的)in chase areas are not professionally installed(安裝的方法並不專業).  Use of sealant caulk and duct tape(普通的膠帶) holding ventilation hose (Tygon) to system.  Waste solvent pumped (有機溶劑廢液被pumped) through low melting point plastic tubing(使用低熔點的

膠管)traveling long distances(通過長距離).  Hard plumb or use braided stainless tubing to transfer solvents.不鏽鋼管路才對

CO2 fire suppression system on EKC01 solvent tool is not connected. (co2 滅火器在有機溶劑ekc 設備並沒有街上)  Connect electric solenoid to CO2 cylinder and test system semi-annually. (須將co2滅火器的電線接上, 且每半年測試ㄧ次)

Waste solvent collection sumps in chase areas are not professionally installed.  Use of sealant caulk and duct tape holding ventilation hose (Tygon) to system.  Waste solvent pumped through low melting point plastic tubing traveling long distances to collection tote located outdoors.  Hard plumb or use braided stainless tubing to transfer solvents.




The findings listed below are deemed the critical(以下列出的缺失非常重要). A complete listing of all findings identified during the audit is stored in the audit findings worksheet record in the database. The supplier is expected to provide formal responses for all findings.


General Site Conditions


Many pumps in chase areas have damaged electrical wiring connections(在維修間的pump的電線接頭有嚴重的damage).  Wire nuts, electrical tape splicing, etc. need to be contained in approved electrical enclosure(必須在 有任可的 電性包覆之內).  Many instances observed of inappropriate wiring connection.


Hazardous Materials Management


Current methods of hazardous materials storage and distribution does not provide appropriate separation of incompatible materials(並沒有合適的區隔不相容的物質), secondary containment is non-existent or containment is shared with incompatible materials.  Examples: chemical storage in Ship/Rec dock area, chemicals in fab chase, chemical storage in back side, photoresist storage and waste solvent bottles in fab chase.


Secondary containment (二次containment) for waste solvent collection totes is damaged (crack) and too small to contain contents of tote.


Secondary containment for NH4OH tank at acid waste neutralization is too small to hold volume of tank and is in disrepair (hole in containment).

No secondary containment for 55-gallon TMAH drums located in fab chase (pressurized)(有加壓的).  Means to prevent over-pressurization of drum is not clear.  There are no pressure relief valves(無壓力釋放的閥).


This corridor cannot be used to storage or stage items and must remain clear at all times.


Pressurized acid waste pipe from below grade vault tank to neutralization tank is not located within secondary containment (pipe directly on dirt).

New silane gas pad (exterior).  Perform full functional testing of system to assure gas detection, seismic switch(地震時, 可切換的開關), flame detection, shuts down source cylinder and sends signal to Security station.


Personal Protective Equipment / Emergency Response / Medical


Distance to safety shower in chase area is too far from wet sinks using corrosive materials.  Centrally locate safety shower/eye wash unit Fab (center aisle). 沖身洗眼區 離 化學槽 太遠


Distance to safety shower in grind room area is too far from wet sinks using corrosive materials.  Centrally locate safety shower/eye wash unit in Backside. 在研磨室, 沖身洗眼器 也太遠


Deluge shower/eye wash needed in corrosive storage/handling areas.

NH4OH tank at acid waste neutralization

Waste BHF/Waste polyamide area

Ship/Rec dock close to chemical storage

Chemical storage area in chase; LMK-01 area

Mechanical room due to corrosive chiller anti-scale material).


Fire Prevention/Protection


Operation/function of pre-action fire sprinkler system protecting Fab is questionable.  6” supply valve appears to be closed.  Critical fire sprinkler water control valves are not secured with chain and locked in “open” position or inspected routinely.  REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION!








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    Mac X-code Lab - AntoinetteOne 凡爾賽玫瑰

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